Find a Therapist
When looking for a therapist, we recommend finding a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT)
To find a listing of CSAT's go to IITAP. Click on Therapist locator, then the button that says “find a therapist.” You will be able to search by zip code to find someone in your area with Sexual Addiction training.
Another therapist locator can be found at Lifestar. Lifestar certifies counselors in a curriculum based approach to healing addicts, spouses, and marriages. You can click on this map to find out if there is a Lifestar certified counselor in your area.
Fortify Program
Fortify is an excellent online recovery program which is designed to equip individuals struggling with compulsive pornography use—young and old—with tools, education and community to assist them in reaching lasting freedom. Their mission is to help spark an uprising of people tired of porn messing with their lives – and ready for something far better. Use the promo code, "fradd", to get 10% off.